Month: November 2019

“Hear Us Out” – Kickoff Conversation

The Capital City Crew, a UConn Hartford student group, whose mission is to connect students to the Hartford community, organized the first of many “Hear Us Out” conversations. Reflecting the strong civic and community spirit of our students, Hear Us Out is a forum for dialogues around inclusion, equity, and justice. The inaugural conversation was themed “Hartford Against Hate,” and asked critical questions about racism and social justice in relation to student experiences on campus and in Hartford. Scott Campbell, Professor of English and who lives in and advocates for Hartford, moderated the conversation. In the last segment of the event, students responded to the question, “How can we make our campus community more inclusive?” Their responses included:

“more communities to work, listen, and learn together” | “campaigns + education on issues of concern” | addressing problems head on and not trying to sweep them under the rug” | “treat others how you want to be treated” | “inclusive curriculum (representation within classroom) | “Islamophobia discussion” | “more cultural events/represent all cultural holidays/events” |

Stay tuned for more Hear Us Out conversations!


Hartford Public Library “Beyond the Words” Gala

UConn Hartford was well represented at the Hartford Public Library’s “Beyond the Words” annual Gala at the Hartford Marriott Downtown. Author Reyna Grande was the featured keynote who spoke about her immigrant experience and how books and libraries gifted her with equal access to knowledge and information. West Hartford resident and architect, Tai Soo Kim, received the Caroline M. Hewins Medal, which “recognizes an individual who embraces the City of Hartford and its people, who breaks the mold and provides service of a revolutionary kind, who stretches the boundaries of a social or cultural institution with a humanistic approach to public service, and who shows strong guardianship of and advocacy for the basic right to equal access to information and opportunity.” As one of the most impactful institutions in our city, UConn Hartford is committed to supporting this partnership and HPL’s programming.


Dialogue on Race & Community

UConn Hartford continues to bear witness to the systemic violence against Black, Brown, and Indigenous bodies and communities. To create an antiracist community that is just, equitable, and inclusive, we must center the voices and experiences of those who are suffering from fear, bigotry, and all forms of systemic oppression. UConn Hartford will continue to ensure the safety, protection, and advancement of all our students, staff, and faculty, but we must do more for our Black peers and colleagues. In November, some of our students, staff, and administrators traveled to Storrs to engage in a critical conversation about our individual and collective roles in realizing an anti-racist community.

Obama Foundation 2019 Community Leadership Corps Reception

In June, 100 young people in Hartford between the ages of 18-25, many of them UConn students or alumni, were chosen to participate in the Obama Foundation’s Community Leadership Corps. For the next 6 months,
they would be tasked with a community challenge to address with support from Obama Foundation success coaches. As a community partner, UConn Hartford participated in regular feedback sessions between the young, emerging leaders and community stakeholders. In November, the program concluded with a reception, where it was revealed that the program will continue in Hartford for another year. UConn Hartford is enthused that the CLC will continue to develop the leadership in our city and is proud of the UConn students and alumni who have been chosen for the honor. Go Hartford! Go Huskies!

Get Out The Vote!

On Election Day, the School of Social Work’s Humphreys Institute for Political Social Work rallied the campus to Get Out The Vote! The Humphrey’s Institute reported 52 pledges to vote! We look forward to partnering on more calls to action.

Faces of Homelessness: An Intimate Conversation

In partnership with Hands on Hartford, UConn Hartford welcomed to campus some of our neighbors who have experienced homelessness. A brimming room of students, staff, and faculty listened as the guests bravely shared their personal stories of homelessness and recovery. The conversation worked to dispel myths, educate audiences about the causes of homelessness, and encourage us all to engage with all members of our community to cultivate meaningful change. It all starts with a conversation and UConn Hartford plans to convene many more that will connect us with our community.

CT After-school Network – Annual Conference

UConn Hartford was represented at the Annual Conference of the CT After-school Network, where it was connected with knowledge and strategies about how to empower, engage, and enrich relationships with youth. As a partner of Hartford Public Library’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, UConn Hartford is a community learning center for high school students. For that reason and many more, UConn Hartford takes seriously its role in empowering, engaging, and enriching the lives of local students. The CT After-school Network’s Annual Conference was a notable part in UConn Hartford’s community networking and learning process.